Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I would hardly consider Zorbing a sport but it looks like a lot of fun. Or at least it sounds like fun! When zorbing a participant, or if you want to bring a friend along for some extra wacky fun, two are put inside a big inflated plastic ball. Then they are rolled down a hill. For some fun on an extreme level, you can add water to slip and slide around inside of the inflated ball! The riders inside the ball are called zorbonauts. If you’ve seen or heard of Zorbing, then bet you dont know that it was originally invented so that people could “walk” on water (because Zorbs floats)! Soon after, the original inventors of the zorb, Andrew Akers and Dwayne van der Sluis, found that it was just as fun, if not more, to do on land! I completely agree! This is the kind of activity that has people falling over for fun!

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Baby Cry Sumo!!!!

As if huge men wrestling in diapers isn’t weird enough, now we have this! Baby cry sumo is pretty much this: sumo wrestlers get some babies and they shake the babies and yell at them until they cry, the first baby to cry is the winner. So you may be thinking what a cry baby, but I know for a fact that if a three hundred pound man was shaking and yelling at me, I would cry too!!!

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